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New Donation Caskets & Set Bonus Rework

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Set Bonus Rework

We've reworked set bonuses so that they are more dynamic and allow for more combinations



Donation Caskets

We've released 5 brand new caskets to the Store

Please note that the new Donator Ranks provide benefits for these when opening.


Bronze Casket - $1



Silver Casket - $5



Gold Casket - $10



Platinum Casket - $25



Diamond Casket - $50



Other Changes

- Changed Sell Bonds at bond store to Sell Drachma
- Fixed Tectonic/Incursio/Justiciar Slayer Helmets
- Removed Damage from Elite Iron Sword
- Added Icy Santa Hat to Tier 10 (Somehow was missed)
- Added Tudor's Custom and Blaxin's Custom
- Removed Announces from Infernal Box
- Disabled Claim X Bond Dailies
- Removed Announces from Store Box
- Added Tradable to Vulcan Shards from the Item Grinder
- Added some commands for raid reqs
- Lowered Respawn timer for Iron Mass Bosses to 20 secs from 30 secs
- Removed Telos Scraps from Lesser Telos and Added it to the Greater Telos Box
- Increased Lesser Omni Bosses / Lesser Telos HP by 2.5x
- Fixed Slayer Superiors from being able to AOE
- Changed Incursio Boss / Tectonic Boss / Justiciar Boss HP
- Changed Fall Guys HP and added a Damage Cap
- Fixed Vorago Ring forge
- Renamed 25% DR Ring and 50% DR Boots
- Fixed Crystalline Branch custom
- Removed Electric Scroll from Coll Logs
- Removed Automated donation deal spam
- Slayer Helms went over to include them in proper set bonuses
- Athenian Scroll from Stream Box now gives Rank of Athenian if you didn't have it
- Removed Owner Boxes from all sources (Can trade in the ones you still have)

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